All systems are operational
Scheduled Maintenance
Power Maintenance - Atlanta (ATL-A)

Title: Power Maintenance - Atlanta (ATL-A)
Start time: Monday the 20th of May at 22:00 UTC
End time: Tuesday the 21st of May at 10:00 UTC
Duration: 12 hours

Please be advised, maintenance will be taking place in the Atlanta DC (ATL-A cloud). During the maintenance window, a single power distribution unit will be powered down in each server cabinet. All hardware is dual fed with redundant power supplies cabled to diverse (A&B) feeds, so no impact is expected. However, there is risk during any power maintenance.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our support team.

Past Incidents

16th February 2020

No incidents reported

15th February 2020

No incidents reported

14th February 2020

No incidents reported

13th February 2020

Cloud Servers Temporary network issue in Frakfurt location (08:00 - 11:00 GMT)

Some servers in Frankfurt location were inaccessible via network. Our network engineers are fixed this issue and back the servers online. (08:00 - 11:00 GMT)


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact support@VPS.NET

12th February 2020

No incidents reported

11th February 2020

Cloud Servers Interruption of power supply in London Datacentre

There was an interruption to some of the power supply in DC5 which has now been restored. Some of services are still down and we're trying to bring them back online as soon as possible .


Some services are still experiencing issues and we're working to get them online.

UPDATE : 23:54 GMT - Datacentre technical teams continue to bring services back online after a power interruption in our London datacentre. Kindly accept our apologies for any inconveniences that may have caused due to this issue.

UPDATE: 00:30 GMT - London-P is fully operational. Datacentre support teams continue to restore London-M and London-R

RESOLVED: 02:00 GMT - London datacentre is fully operational. Kindly accept our apologies for any inconveniences that may have caused due to this issue.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact support@VPS.NET

10th February 2020

No incidents reported